Mahadi Bin Kamaludin
Deputy Director Student Affairs & ICAN
Expertise: English Literature, English Literature & Media, English Literature & Popular Culture, Creative Approaches in Language Teaching and Learning
03 - 8924 5615

Melissa Binti Malik
Senior Lecturer
Expertise: TESL, Second Language Acquisition, Individual Differences in Language Learning, e-Learning, literature in language teaching, teaching and learning of English grammar in ESL/EFL classrooms, informal language learning
03 - 8924 5481

Mohd Adlan Bin Ramly
Senior Lecturer
Expertise: Subject Matter Interest: Modern Literature Modern Drama Epic Theatre Pedagogical Interest: Creative Education Project-Based Education Active-Productive Approach Threshold Concept
03 - 8924 5522

Mohd Shahrudin Bin Mohmud
Expertise: Applied Linguistics, TESL, Teaching Methodology
03 - 8924 5490

Muhammad Syahid Aiman Bin Muhammad Bazlan
Grammar, Language Policy (CEFR), Educational Technology and Gamification, 21st Century Language Learning